Returns & Exchanges


Our return policy lasts 4 weeks -- 30 days -- from your date of purchase. We cannot offer a full refund if your purchase date is beyond 30 days.

Although we may ship our products to any location around the world, we make returns ONLY within the United States and Canada.

For merchandise to qualify for a full refund, we require the following:

  1. The item must be unused

  2. The item must be in the same condition as when it was received

  3. T-shirts and tote bags must have its original company tag attached

  4. A receipt or proof of purchase must be included

  5. Your name, address, US phone number & email address (clearly written) must be included

Shipping your return item

When you ship your return item back to us, you will be responsible for paying for your shipping costs. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

When we receive your return

Once we receive your returned item, you will get an email notification indicating if your returned item qualifies for a full refund. If your item qualifies for a refund, we will process a refund transaction and a full credit will be applied to your credit card or to the original method of payment.

If we receive your returned item and it does NOT qualify for a refund, you may choose one of the following:

  1. Have the item mailed back to you. We will charge shipping costs to your original method of payment.

  2. Get a partial refund


As with our return policy, our exchange policy lasts 30 days from the date of purchase. We cannot offer an exchange if your purchase date is beyond 30 days.

We make exchanges ONLY within the United States and Canada.

For merchandise to qualify for an exchange, we require the following :

  1. The item must be unused

  2. The item must be in the same condition as when it was received

  3. T-shirts and tote bags must have the original company tag attached

  4. Include a receipt or proof of purchase

  5. Include your name, address, phone number & email address (clearly written)

  6. Include exchange instructions (clearly written, please)

Shipping your exchange item

When you ship your exchange item back to us, you will be responsible for paying for your own shipping costs. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

When we receive your exchange

Once we receive your item you would like to exchange, you will get an email notification indicating if your item qualifies.

If your item(s) does qualify for an exchange, we will swap it out for your requested item and will mail it to you. 

When we ship your exchanged an item to you, we will charge you for this cost using your original form of payment

Price Differences

If your original, purchased item you would like to exchange costs less than the new item you would like mailed back to you, we will charge you the difference using your original form of payment.

If your original, purchased item you would like to exchange costs more than the new item you would like mailed back to you, we will refund the difference (minus our shipping costs) using your original form of payment.

If your original, purchased item you would like to exchange costs the same as the new item you would like mailed back to you, we will charge you the shipping costs using your original form of payment. 

Late or missing refunds, if applicable

Notification of a refund can take some time from your bank or credit card company. However, you can also take these steps to check on your refund status: 

  1. Check your bank account

  2. Contact your bank

  3. Contact your credit card company

  4. If the above steps do not help, please contact us ( or at 541-520-2433

Our Shipping Address *

To return or exchange your item, please mail it to:

          RETURNS — Marching In Their Footsteps
          1950 Franklin Blvd., Box 11
          Eugene Oregon US 97403

* Please consider using a trackable shipping service, as we cannot guarantee we will receive your returned item.